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Proverb Bibliography
Steen; revised 20 April 2000)
Children's Folklore (electronic bibliography). Middlesex, UK: Hisarlik Press, 1994.
Mieder, Wolfgang. African proverb scholarship: an annotated bibliography. Colorado Springs, CO: African Proverbs Project, 1994.
Mieder, Wolfgang. International Bibliography of New and Reprinted Proverbs Collections. Proverbium 8 (1991): 279-84.
Mieder, Wolfgang. International proverb scholarship: an annotated bibliography. New York : Garland Pub., 1982. UCSB Main Lib Z7191 .M543 1982
Mieder, Wolfgang. International proverb scholarship, an annotated bibliography. Supplement. New York : Garland, 1990-1993.
Mieder, Wolfgang. International bibliography of explanatory essays on individual proverbs and proverbial expressions. Las Vegas, NV: Peter Lang, 1977.
Mieder, Wolfgang. Investigations of proverbs, proverbial expressions, quotations, and cliches : a bibliography of explanatory essays which appeared in Notes and Queries (1849-1983). New York: Peter Lang, 1984.
Mieder, Wolfgang and George B. Bryan. Proverbs in world literature: a bibliography. New York: Peter Lang, 1996.
Paczolay, Gyula. Proverbs in Hungarian Literature: A Bibliography. Proverbium 5 (1988): 207-211.
Stephens, Thomas Arthur. Proverb literature: a bibliography of works
relating to proverbs, edited by Wilfrid Bonser. Compiled from materials
left by the late T. A. Stephens. Nendeln/Liechtenstein, Kraus Reprint,
1967. UCSB Main Lib Z7191 .S83
Collections (see also Ethnographies) Top
Abdulai, David. African Proverbs: Wisdom of the Ages. Ghana: Konkori International, 2000.
Alster, Bendt. The instructions of Suruppak: a Sumerian proverb collection. Copenhagen : Akademisk Forlag, 1974. UCLA College PJ 4065 A463i.
Blum, Joachim Christian, 1739-1790. Deutsches Sprichworterbuch. Vorwort von Wolfgang Mieder. Hildesheim: G. Olms Verlag, 1990.
Christaller, J. G. Three Thousand Six Hundred Ghanaian Proverbs: From the Asante and Fante Language. 1990.
Children's Folklore: A Source Book. Ed. Brian Sutton-Smith et al. New York: Garland, 1995.
Dictionary of American proverbs. Wolfgang Mieder, editor in chief ; Stewart A. Kingsbury and Kelsie B. Harder, editors. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Eugenio, Damiana L. Philippine proverb lore. Quezon City: Philippine Folklore Society, 1975.
Furman, Israel. Yiddish Proverbs and Sayings. Tel Aviv. 1968.
Galef, David. "Even Monkeys Fall from Trees" and Other Japanese Proverbs. Rutland, VT. 1987.
Heng, Xiao-jun. A Chinese-English Dictionary of Idioms and Proverbs. Tubingen. 1988.
Iscla, Luis, SJ. English Proverbs and Their Near Equivalents in Spanish, French, Italian and Latin. New York. 1995.
Knappert, Jan. Swahili proverbs. Proverbium in cooperation with the African Studies Program, University of Vermont, 1997. Series title: Proverbium (Columbus, Ohio). Supplement series, v. 1.
Koul, Omkar N. A Dictionary of Kashmiri Proverbs. Patiala. 1992.
Lall, Kesar. Nepalese Book of Proverbs. Kathmandu. 1985.
Manwaring, A. Marathi Proverbs. New Delhi. 1991.
Meek, Donald E. The Campbell Collection of Gaelic Proverbs and Proverbial Sayings. Collected by The Rev. Duncan M. Campbell. Inverness. 1978.
Mertvago, Peter. The comparative Russian-English dictionary of Russian proverbs & sayings. New York, NY : Hippocrene Books, c1995.
Mieder, Wolfgang. International Bibliography of New and Reprinted Proverbs Collections. Proverbium 8 (1991): 279-84.
Mieder, Wolfgang. The Prentice-Hall encyclopedia of world proverbs: a treasury of wit and wisdom through the ages. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986.
Kuusi, Matti, and Marje Joalaid. Proverbia septentrionalia: 900 Balto-Finnic proverb types with Russian, Baltic, German and Scandinavian parallels. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 1985.
Paczolay, Gyula. European Proverbs in 55 Languages, with Equivalents in Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Chinese, and Japanese. Veszprém, Hungary: Veszprémi Nyomda, 1997.
Ramsay, Allan. A Collection of Scots Proverbs. Edinburgh. 1979.
Scheven, Albert. Swahili Proverbs: Nia zikiwa moja, kilicho mbali huja. Washington, D.C. 1981.
Simpson, John. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs. Oxford. 1992.
Tair, Mohammad Nawaz. Rohi Mataluna/Pashto Proverbs. Peshawar, Pakistan. 1982.
Tiffou, E. Hunza Proverbs. Calgary. 1993.
Walser, Ferdinand. Luganda Proverbs. Berlin. 1982.
Williams, Fionnuala. The Poolbeg Book of Irish Proverbs. Dublin.
Comparative and Theoretical Paremiology Top
Basgoz, Ilhan. Proverbs about Proverbs of Folk Definitions of Proverb. Proverbium 7 (1990): 7-17.
Blehr, Otto. What Is a Proverb? Fabula (Gottingen) 14 (1973): 243-46.
Dundes, Alan. On the Structure of the Proverb. Proverbium 25 (1974): 961-73.
Eismann, Wolfgang, Wolfgang Mieder, and Peter Gryzbek (eds.). Series: "Studies of Phraseology and Paremiology." 1994-.
Hood, Edwin Paxton. The world of proverb and parable. With illustrations from history, biography, and the anecdotal table-talk of all ages. With an introductory essay on the historic unity of the popular proverb and tale in all ages. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1885.
Hulme, F. Edward. Proverb lore; being a historical study of the similarities, contrasts, topics, meanings, and other facets of proverbs, truisms, and pithy sayings, as expressed by the peoples of many lands and times. London, E. Stock, 1902; Detroit, Gale Research Co., 1968. UCSB Main Lib PN6401 .H8
Jakobson, Roman. Notes on the Makeup of a Proverb. Linguistic and Literary Studies in Honor of Archibald A. Hill, IV. The Hague. 1979. 83-85.
Kass, Janos and Andras Lukacsy. Pieter Bruegel der Altere, Die niederlandischen Sprichworter. Entwurf und Zusammenstellung von Janos Kass; Text von Andras Lukacsy. Budapest: Corvina Kiado, 1985. Image of Bruegel's Netherlandish Proverbs (220k) from 1559.
Mieder, Wolfgang. The politics of proverbs: from traditional wisdom to proverbial stereotypes. U. of Wisconsin, '97.
Mieder, Wolfgang. "Make hell while the sun shines": proverbial rhetoric in Winston Churchill's 'The Second World War.'. Folklore v106 (Annual, 1995):57 (13 pages).
Mieder, Wolfgang. "No tickee, no washee": subtleties of a proverbial slur. Western Folklore v55, n1 (Jan, 1996):1 (40 pages).
Mieder, Wolfgang. "The only good Indian is a dead Indian": history and meaning of a proverbial stereotype. Journal of American Folklore v106, n419 (Wntr, 1993):38 (23 pages).
Mieder, Wolfgang. "(Don't) throw the baby out with the bath water": the Americanization of a German proverb and proverbial expression. Western Folklore v50, n4 (Oct, 1991):361 (40 pages).
Mieder, Wolfgang. Modern Proverbs and Proverbial Sayings. (book reviews) Journal of American Folklore v103, n408 (April-June, 1990):215 (4 pages).
Mieder, Wolfgang. Proverbs are never out of season: popular wisdom in the modern age. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Permiakov, G. L. From proverb to folk-tale : notes on the general theory of cliche.Moscow: Nauka, 1979.
Proverbia in fabula: essays on the relationship of the proverb and the fable. Pack Carnes (ed.). Bern ; New York : P. Lang, c1988.
Taylor, Archer. The proverb, and An index to The proverb. Hatboro, Pa., Folklore Associates, 1962. UCSB Main Lib PN6401 .T3 1931a
Whiting, Bartlett Jere. When evensong and morrowsong accord : three essays on the proverb. Edited by Joseph Harris. [Cambridge, Mass.] : Department of English and American Literature and Language, Harvard University, c1994. UCSB Main Lib PN6401 .W447 1994
Wise words : essays on the proverb. Edited by Wolfgang Mieder. New York: Garland, 1994.
The Wisdom of many: essays on the proverb. Edited by Wolfgang Mieder, Alan Dundes. New York: Garland, 1981. UCSB Main Lib PN6401 .W57
The Tokyo International
Proverb Forum 1996 Abstracts
Early Commentaries (before 1800) Top
A. B., Learn to lye warm, or, An apology for that proverb "tis good sheltring under an old hedge": containing reasons wherefore a young man should marry an old woman / written in a letter to K.D. London : Printed by H. Brugis for W. Gilbert ..., 1672. Series title: Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 833:1. UCR Rivera 441 833:1 Microfilm.
Carter, W. The proverb crossed, or, A new paradox maintained. London: Printed for authour, 1677.
Ditto. City-Hall, high noon, 10th March, 1768. A kick for a bite. : From the old proverb: "One man may better steal a horse, than another look over the hedge.". [New York : s.n., 1768]. UCSB Main Lib PS504 .A48
Dykes, Oswald. English proverbs, with moral reflexions. London, Sawbridge, 1713.
Ford, Simon. The blessednesse of being bountifull, or, Our blessed
Saviours usual proverb, opened, asserted, and practically improved.
: Printed for James Collins, 1674.
Ethnographies (see also Collections) Top
Amadiume, Solomon. Ilu Ndi Igbo: A Study of Igbo Proverbs. Translation, Explanation and Usage (With a Comparison with Some Hausa Proverbs). Enugu. 1994
Brenner, Clarene D. The French dramatic proverb. Calif. : Brenner, 1977. Revised and enlarged English version of the author's Le developpement du proverbe dramatique en France et sa vogue au XVIIIe, 1957. Includes bibliographical references and index. History and criticism of French Proverbs.
Campbell, Theophine Maria. African and Afro-American proverb parallels. Dissertation, Berkeley, 1975.
Chou, P'an-lin. A comparative study on Chinese and western proverbs. T'ai-pei : Wen shih che ch'u pan she, 1975.
Christian, John. Behar proverbs. Translated with notes, illustrating the social custom, popular superstition, and every-day life of the people. New Delhi: Unity Book Service, 1986.
Cocci, Gilberto. Folclore della Versilia; raccolta di canti popolari, proverb e dittaggi. Pisa, V. Lischi [1960?].
Cui, Mingqiu. The wisdom of the Chinese proverb with English proverb equivalents. Palo Alto, CA : Bottom Line Books, 1990.
Dalfovo, A. T. Lugbara Proverbs and Ethics. Anthropos (Switzerland) 86, 1-3 (1991): 45-58.
Eberardo, Feliciano P. "Dichos en el idioma maya-mam de Guatemala como una estrategia para la transmision de valores." Past, Present, and Future: Selected Papers on Latin American Indian Literatures. Ed. Mary H. Preuss. Culver City, CA: Labyrinthos, 1991. 27-29.
Eugenio, Damiana L. Philippine Proverbs. Diliman Review (Philippines) 39, 1 (1991): 32-45.
Gossen, Gary H. Chamula Tzotzil Proverbs: Neither Fish nor Fowl. Meaning in Mayan Languages. Ed. Munro S. Edmonson. The Hague, 1973. 205-33.
Haring, Lee. The Word of the Fathers: Proverbs in Madagascar. Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 33, 1-4 (1984-1985): 123-164.
Kindstrand, Jan Fredrik. The Greek Concept of Proverbs. Proverbia in Fabula: Essays on the Relationship of the Proverb and the Fable. New York. 1988. 233-53.
Mieder, Wolfgang. Proverbs of the Native Americans: a prize competition. Western Folklore v48, n3 (July, 1989):256 (5 pages).
Murphy, William Peter. A semantic and logical analysis of Kpelle proverb metaphors of secrecy. Dissertation, 1976.
Neethling, S. J. Proverbs: Window on the Xhosa World? South African Journal of African Languages 15, 4 (Nov 1995): 191-96.
Plopper Clifford Henry. Chinese religion seen through the proverb. New York, Paragon Book Reprint Corp., 1969.
Richmond, Edmun B. Utilizing Proverbs as a Focal Point to Cultural Awareness and Communicative Competence: Illustrations from Africa. Foreign Language Annals 20, 3 (1987 May): 213-16.
Sakayan, Dora. Armenian Proverbs: A Paremiological Study with an Anthology of 2,500 Armenian Folk Sayings, Selected and Translated into English. Delmar, NY, 1994.
Spano, Giovanni. Proverbi sardi trasportati in lingua italiana e confrontati con quelli degli antichi popoli. Second ed. Bologna, Forni, 1967.
Velt, H. V. The Nez Perce Proverb. Pacific Northwest Quarterly 34 (1943): 271-292.
Williams, Fionnuala. Six Hundred Gaelic Proverbs Collected in Ulster by Robert Mac Adam. Proverbium 12 (1995): 343-55.
Wrzesinska, Alicja. Proverbs of the Bakongo People. Hemispheres
6 (1989): 235-47.
Literary Analyses Top
Anstensen, Ansten The proverb in Ibsen. New York, AMS Press, Inc., 1966/1936.
Bryan, George B. and Wolfgang Mieder. The proverbial Bernard Shaw : an index to proverbs in the works of George Bernard Shaw. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.
Bryan, George B. and Wolfgang Mieder. The proverbial Charles Dickens : an index to the proverbs in the works of Charles Dickens. New York: Peter Lang, 1997.
Champion, Larry S. 'A Springe to Catch Woodcocks': Proverbs, Characterization, and Political Ideology in Hamlet. Hamlet Studies (New Delhi) 15, 1-2 (1993 Summer-Winter) : 24-39.
De Caro, Frank. Proverbs in Graham Greene's 'The Power and the Glory': Framing Thematic Concerns in a Modern Novel. Proverbium 6 (1989): 1-7.
Deskis, Susan E. Beowulf and the medieval proverb tradition. Tempe, Ariz. : Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1996. UCSB Main Lib PR1587.P75 D47 1996
Derrida, Jacques. "Proverb, 'He that would pun--.'" Glassary. Ed. John P. Leavey. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1986. UCSB Main Lib B2948.D463 L43 1986
Mauch, Thomas Karl. The role of the proverb in early Tudor literature. Dissertation, 1963.
Mieder, Wolfgang. Proverbs, Proverbial Sentences and Phrases in Thomas Deloney's Works. (book reviews) Journal of American Folklore v101, n400 (Apr-Jun, 1988):250 (2 pages).
Mieder, Wolfgang and George B. Bryan. Proverbs in world literature: a bibliography. New York: Peter Lang, 1996.
Neuss, Paula. The Sixteenth-Century English 'Proverb' Play. Comparative Drama 18, 1 (1984 Spring): 1-18.
Scott, W. T. Proverbs, Postmodernity, and Unacknowledged Legislation. Law and Literature Perspectives. New York. 1996. 341-52. Series title: Critic of Institutions 9.
Smith, Charles George. Shakespeare's proverb lore; his use of the Sententiae of Leonard Culman and Publilius Syrus. Cambridge, Harvard U P, 1963. UCSB Main Lib PR2997.P7 S4
Smith, Charles George. Spenser's proverb lore, with special reference to his use of the Sententia of Leonard Culman and Publilius Syrus. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1970.
Zolkovskij, A. K. At the Intersection of Linguistics, Paremiology and
Poetics: On the Literary Structure of Proverbs. Poetics (Amsterdam)
7 (1978): 309-32.
Pragmatic and Cognitive Analyses (loosely; see also Comparative Paremiology) Top
Alexander, Tamar. Games of Identity in Proverb Usage: Proverbs of a Sephardic-Jewish Woman. Proverbium 5 (1988): 1-14.
Arleo, Andy. Counting-out and the search for universals. (Children's rhymes). Journal of American Folklore 110. 438 (Fall 1997): 391-407.
Basgoz, Ilhan. Proverb Image, Proverb Message, and Social Change. Journal of Folklore Research 30, 2-3 (1993 May-Dec): 127-42.
Bergsma, Harold M. Tiv Proverbs as a Means of Social Control. Africa (London) 40 (1970): 151-63.
Bock, Kathryn J. Comprehension and Memory of the Literal and Figurative Meaning of Proverbs. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 9 (1980): 59-72.
Bornstein, Valerie. A Case Study and Analysis of Family Proverb Use. Proverbium 8 (1991): 19-28.
Bowden, Betsy. A Modes Proposal, Relating Four Millenia of Proverb Collections to Chemistry within the Human Brain. Journal of American Folklore 109, 433 (1996): 440-49.
Briggs, Charles L. The Pragmatics of Proverb Performances in New Mexican Spanish. American Anthropologist 87, 4 (1985 Dec): 793-810.
Charteris-Black, Jonathan. Proverbs in Communication. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 16, 4 (1995): 259-68.
Cram, David. A Note on the Logic of Proverbs. Proverbium 2 (1985): 271-272.
Cubelic, Tvrtko. The Characteristics and Limits of Folk Proverbs within the System and Structure of Oral Folk Literature. Proverbium 23 (1974): 909-14.
Foley, John Miles. Proverbs and Proverbial Function in South Slavic and Comparative Epic. Proverbium 11 (1994): 77-92.
Folly, Dennis W. The poetry of African-American proverb usage: a speech act analysis. Dissertation, 1991.
Furnham, Adrian. The Proverbial Truth: Contextually Reconciling and the Truthfulness of Antonymous Proverbs. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 6, 1 (1987): 49-55.
Gibbs, Raymond W., Jr. How to Study Proverb Understanding. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 11, 3 (1996): 233-39.
Gibbs, Raymond W., Jr. What Proverb Understanding Reveals about How People Think. Psychological Bulletin 118, 1 (1995 July): 133-54.
Grobler, Gerhardus M. M. The Right to Be Understood: Interpreting the Proverb in an African Society. Proverbium 11 (1994): 93-102.
Grzybek, Peter. Foundations of Semiotic Proverb Study. Wise Words: Essays on the Proverb. New York. 1994. 31-70.
Haase, Donald P. Is Seeing Believing? Proverbs and the Film Adaptation of a Fairy Tale. Proverbium 7 (1990): 89-104
Harnish, Robert M. Communicating with Proverbs. Communication and Cognition 26, 3-4 (1993): 265-89.
Hasan-Rokem, Galit. The Pragmatics of Proverbs: How the Proverb Gets Its Meaning. Exceptional Language and Linguistics. New York, 1982. 169-173. Series title: Perspectives in Neurolinguistics, Neuropsychology, and Psycholinguistics.
Herzfeld, Anita. The Pragmatics of Proverb Performance in Limonese Creole. 1990 Mid-America Linguistics Conference Papers. Lawrence. 1991. 151-66.
Honeck, Richard P. Proverbs and the Complete Mind. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 11, 3 (1996): 217-32. Abstract.
Honeck, Richard P. Proverbs: The Extended Conceptual Base and Great Chain Metaphor Theories. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 9, 2 (1994): 85-112. Abstract.
Honeck, Richard P. A Proverb in Mind: The Cognitive Science of Proverbial Wit and Wisdom. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997. Abstract.
Iscla, Luis, SJ. English Proverbs and Their Near Equivalents in Spanish, French, Italian and Latin. New York. 1995. Series title: Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics 14.
Jackson-Lowman, Huberta. Using Afrikan Proverbs to Provide for Afrikan-American Parental Values. Language, Rhythm, and Sound: Black Popular Cultures into the Twenty-First Century. Pittsburgh, PA: ?, 1997. 74-89.
Kemper, Susan. Comprehension and the Interpretation of Proverbs. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 10 (1981): 179-198.
Krikmann, Arvo. The Great Chain Metaphor: An Open Sesame for Proverb Semantics? Proverbium 11 (1994): 117-24.
Krikmann, Arvo. Some Additional Aspects to Semantic Indefiniteness of Proverbs. Proverbium 2 (1985): 58-85.
Lieber, Michael D. Analogic Ambiguity: A Paradox of Proverb Usage. Wise Words: Essays on the Proverb. New York. 1994. 99-126.
Litovkina, Anna Tothne. A Few Aspects of a Semiotic Approach to Proverbs, with Special Reference to Two Important American Publications. Semiotica 108, 3-4 (1996): 307-80.
Mandala, James Di Martini. The Interpretation of Proverbs: A Cognitive Perspective. Ann Arbor, MI: Dissertation Abstracts International 48, 12 (1988 June): 3685B-3686B.
Messenger, John C., Jr. The Role of Proverbs in a Nigerian Judicial System. Folk Law: Essays in the Theory and Practice of Lex non Scripta, I & II. Madison. 1995. 421-32.
Monye, Ambrose A. Kinds of Relationships in Igbo Proverbs Usage. Africana Marburgensia 18, 1 (1985): 72-79.
Monye, Ambrose A. On Why People Use Proverbs. Africana Marburgensia 23, 1 (1990): 3-11.
Murphy, William Peter. A semantic and logical analysis of Kpelle proverb metaphors of secrecy. Dissertation, 1976.
Nguyen, Nguyen. Proverbs as Psychological Interpretations among Vietnamese. Asian Folklore Studies (Japan) 50, 2 (1991): 311-18.
Nippold, Marilyn A. Proverb Comprehension in Context: A Developmental Study with Children and Adolescents. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 31, 1 (1988 Mar): 19-28.
Nippold, Marilyn A. Proverb Explanation through the Lifespan: A Developmental Study of Adolescents and Adults. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 40, 2 (April 1997): 245-53.
Norrick, Neal R. Proverbial Emotions: How Proverbs Encode and Evaluate Emotion. Proverbium 11 (1994): 207-15.
Norrick, Neal R. Proverbial Perlocutions: How to Do Things with Proverbs. Wise Words: Essays on the Proverb. New York. 1994. 143-57.
Obeng, Samuel Gyasi. The Proverb as a Mitigating and Politeness Strategy in Akan Discourse. Anthropological Linguistics 38, 3 (1996 Fall): 521-49.
Paczolay, Gyula. Proverbs and Reality. Proverbium 13 (1996): 281-97.
Parker, Carolyn A. Social Balance and the Threat of Revenge: The Message of Some Swahili Proverbs. Greenfield Review 8, 1-2 (1980): 163-75.
Penfield, Joyce. Proverbs: Metaphors That Teach. Anthropological Quarterly 61, 3 (1988 July): 119-128.
Rogers, Tim B. Proverbs as Psychological Theories . . .: Or, Is It the Other Way Around? Canadian Psychology 31, 3 (1990): 195-217.
Rogers, Tim B. Psychological Approaches to Proverbs: A Treatise on the Import of Context. Wise Words: Essays on the Proverb. New York. 1994. 159-81.
Sarma, Nabin Ch. Study of a Few Assamese Proverbs from the Contextual Points of View. Folklore (Calcutta) 27, 4 (310) (1986 Apr): 71-77.
Stanciu, Dumitru. A Possible Model for the Construction of Proverbs. Proverbium 13 (1996): 321-30.
Temple, Jon G. Literal versus Nonliteral Reminders for Proverbs. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30, 1 (Jan 1992): 67-70.
Turner, Nigel E. The Role of Literal Meaning in Proverb Comprehension. Ann Arbor, MI: Dissertation Abstracts International 56, 10 (1996 Apr): 5810B.
Whaley, Bryan B. When 'Try, Try Again' Turns to 'You're Beating a Dead Horse': The Rhetorical Characteristics of Proverbs and Their Potential for Influencing Therapeutic Change. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 8, 2 (1993): 127-39.
Yankah, Kwesi. Proverb Rhetoric and African Judicial Processes: The Untold Story. Journal of American Folklore 99, 393 (1986 July-Sept): 280-303.
Yankah, Kwesi. Toward a Performance-Centered Theory of the Proverb. Critical Arts (South Africa) 3, 1 (1983): 29-43.
Yankah, Kwesi. The proverb in the context of Akan rhetoric: a theory of proverb praxis. New York: Peter Lang, 1989.
Yusuf, Yisa Kehinde. The Ethical Value of Women's Speech in Yoruba Proverbs. Proverbium 11 (1994): 283-91.
Zilberstein, Dvora. The Proverb in Discourse: A Pragmatic Approach.
Linguistics (Israel) 28-30 (1990 Jan): 181-95.
Psychological Testing and Treatment Top
Berman, Louis A. Using Proverbs to Test Readiness for College Composition. Proverbium 7 (1990): 19-36.
Brown, Malrie D. The use of proverb interpretation on the routine mental status examination to evaluate abstract thought : is it a useful means of assessing the higher cortical functions of the black patient? Dissertation, 1987 UCSD.
Brundage, Shelley Brown. Comparison of Proverb Interpretations Provided by Non-Brain-Damaged Adults, Aphasic Adults, Right-Hemisphere-Damaged Adults, and Adults with Probable Dementia. Ann Arbor, MI: Dissertation Abstracts International 54, 12 (1994 June): 6160B.
Chambers, John Wayne, Jr. Proverb Comprehension in Children. Ann Arbor, MI: Dissertation Abstracts International 38 (1978): 3363B-64B.
Chiesa, Alessandra Maria. Translation and Preliminary Normative Data for the Biber Cognitive Estimation Scale and the California Proverbs Tests with a Puerto Rican Population. Ann Arbor, MI: Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B. 57, 9 (March 1997): 5909.
England, Juliana Elizabeth. Abstract Responding to a Proverbs Test by LCVA, RCVA, and Control Subjects. Ann Arbor, MI: Dissertation Abstracts International 47, 6 (1986 Dec): 2400B.
Mieder, Wolfgang. The Use of Proverbs in Psychological Testing. Journal of the Folklore Institute 15 (1978): 45-55.
Penn, Nolan E. Familiarity with Proverbs and Performance of a Black Population on Gorham's Proverbs Test. Perceptual and Motor Skills 66, 3 (1988 June): 847-854.
Resnick, David Arthur. The Development of Children's Comprehension of Proverbs. Ann Arbor, MI: Dissertation Abstracts International 38 (1977): 2348B.
Rogers, Tim B. The Use of Slogans, Colloquialisms, and Proverbs in the
Treatment of Substance Addiction: A Psychological Application of Proverbs.
6 (1989): 103-12.
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