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Qwiel Maltin: Maltese Proverbs
Il-bniedem qatta xewk.
Man is a faggot of thorns.
Kulhadd tad-demm u l-laham.
We are all flesh and blood.
Id-dinja hmerija: dak li tarah sabih fil-ghodu
tarah ikreh filghaxija.
The world is nonsense: what looks beautiful in
the morning looks ugly in the evening.
Fid-dinja pinta helu u bitija morr.
In this world a pint of sweetness and a barrel
of bitterness.
Min ma jgarrabx il-hazin ma jafx it-tajjeb.
He who has had no experience of evil cannot know
the worth of what is good.
Gebel ma gebel ma jiltaqa', izda wicc ma wicc
Mountain does not meet mountain, but a face meets
another face.
Fid-dinja hawn aktar imgienen minn nies f'sensihom.
In the world there are more insane than sane.
Gawdi ghax mid-dinja m'ghandna xejn.
Enjoy yourself, for there is nothing in the world
we can call our own.
Il-hajja farsa.
Life is a farce.
Illum jien u ghada int.
Today me, tomorrow you.
Id-dinja tghallmek aktar minn imghallmek.
The world teaches you more than your task-master.
Id-dinja rota, in-nies imghazel u x-xitan idur
u jaghzel.
The world is a wheel and men are the fellowes,
and the devil prowling around spins.
Wara l-maltemp jigi l-bnazzi.
After bad weather comes fine weather.
M'hemmx warda bla xewk.
There is no rose without thorns.
Ruhek 'l alla, gismek lit-trab, hwejgek lil
niesek, ghax hekk insab.
Your soul to god, your body to dust; your property
to your relatives, because thus it is written.
Bikja u mahta, u kollox imur fis-sahta.
A cry and a sniff, and all comes to naught.
Hadd ma jiehu xejn mieghu.
No one takes away anything with him.
Il-mewt ma tahfirha 'l hadd.
Death spares no one.
Mewt ta wiehed hajja t'iehor.
One man's death is another man's life.
Mitt jien miet kulhadd; ta wara jsakkar jekk
I am dead it is as if everybody were dead; let
the man left behind shut the door if he wants to.
Quddiem il-mewt kulhadd xorta.
We are all equal before death.
Il-mewt issewwi kollox.
Death rights everything.
Mewt ix-xhih bhal dbih il-hanzir, il-werrieta
ferhana sejra ttir.
When a miser dies, the heirs feel as happy as
when they kill a pig.
Zgur il-mewt.
Only death is certain.
Bil-flus taghmel triq fil-bahar.
With money you can build a road in the
Il-flus taghmel il-flus, wil-qamel taghmel
Money begets money, and fleas beget fleas.
Bla flus la tghannaq u lanqas tbus.
Without money you can neither hug nor kiss.
Bil-flus hadd ma jixtri il-genna.
You can't buy heaven with money.
Il-borza tal-bezziegh la timtela w lanqas tifriegh.
The wallet of the timid man neither increases
nor decreases.
Qabda trab, erba' kaptelli u harja f'wicc kull
ma kelli.
A handful of dust, four capitals (of a column)
and shit on all i possessed.
Sess U Mhabba
Sex and love
Ahjar xih u gharef milli zaghzugh u ibleh.
Better (marry) an old but wise man than a young
but foolish man.
Baqra tajba tinbiegh f'pajjizha.
A good cow gets sold in its own country.
Bewsa minghajr taghniqa donnha warda minghajr
A kiss without a hug is like a flower without
Meta ddahhal ic-curkett tat-tieg, tghaddas
rasek ghal kull m'hu mehtieg.
Once you put on the wedding ring you must
submit to all that is necessary.
Jekk ir-ragel jikxef karusu, il-mara tiehdu
ghal flusu.
If the man lets a woman know what he has got
in his saving box, she will marry him for his money.
Il-grazzja aqwa mill-gmiel.
Charm is stronger than beauty.
Min ihobb ibati.
He who loves suffers.
L-imhabba ghamja.
Love is blind.
Min jitbellah ghall-mara jkun wasal ghall-hala.
He who makes a fool of himself on account of
a woman is well nigh ruined.
Il-mara li ma tifhimx b'daqqa t'ghajn ma tifhimx
b'daqqa ta' ponn.
A woman who does not understand by a look of
the eye won't understand by a box of the fist.
Min jisma mill-mara, wicc alla qatt ma jara.
He who follows his wife's advice will never see
the face of god.
Tifla sabiha tinqala' b'giehha, tifla kerha
tinqala bil-mera.
A lovely girl attracts attention by her good
looks, an ugly girl by the help of a mirror.
Zwieg minghajr namur, konsegwenzi u dulur.
Marriage without love-making means sad consequences
and sorrow.
Bil-lejl in-nisa kollha xorta.
At night all women are alike.
Boghod mill-ghajn, boghod mil-qalb.
Far from the eye far from the heart.
Gharusa gdida, kull ma tmiss kollu jfuh.
Whatsoever a new bride touches is fragrant.
Tihux gharusa sabiha ghax ikollok tharisha.
Don't marry a good-looking bride for you'll have
to watch her.
Fejn thobb il-qalb jimxu r-riglejn.
Where the heart loves, there the legs walk.
Hu ragel akbar minnek u mhux zaghzugh jixba'
Marry a man older than you and not a younger
man, who will tire of you.
Ir-ragel tigiega u l-mara serduq, id-dar tinqaleb
ta' taht fuq.
When the husband is a hen and the wife is a cock,
the house is topsy-turvy.
Ghonq bla ras, tina bla toqba, u tifla bla
misthija la fihom hajr u la hotba.
A neck without a head, buttocks without a hole
and a girl without shame are not worth admiring or marrying.
Iz-zwieg laghqa ghasel, bittija mrar.
Marriage is a lick of honey and a barrel of bitter.
Iz-zakak jaqbez u jitfarfar, izda l-hamiem
izoqq u jgargar.
The wagtail hops and flaps its wings, but the
male dove feeds and coos.
Ragel U Mara
Man and Woman (starkly misogynist)
Mara sa dahket bix-xitan.
A woman has even cheated the devil.
Id-dbielet twal ikarkru t-trab, imma d-dbielet
qosra jkarkru l-erwieh.
Long skirts carry dust, but short skirts carry
away souls.
Il-mara bhall-lumija taghsarha u tarmiha.
A woman is like a lemon; you squeeze her and
throw her away.
Mara ghandha sebat erwieh.
A woman has got seven souls.
Sebgha nisa f'sensihom mignun jghaddihom.
Seven women in their right senses are surpassed
by a mad man.
Ragel jahlef u mara tibki temminhomx.
Believe not a swearing man and a weeping woman.
Ragel u qatta tiben tnejn.
A man and a sheaf of straw make two.
In-nisa xagharhom twil u s-sens qasir.
Women have got long hair and short sense.
Qatta zergha araha fil-ghodu u xebba araha
See a sheaf of corn in the morning and a young
woman in the evening.
Il-mistoqsija oht il-gherf.
Asking is the sister of knowing.
Ilsien ta mara jxoqq il-ghadam.
A womans tongue cracks bones.
Il-qalb tal-bniedem bosk.
A man's heart is a forest.
Il-qattus u l-far qatt ma hasbu ghalenija.
The cat and the rat never thought alike.
Trid toqtol il-brimba biex tnehhi l-ghanqbuta.
You must kill the spider to get rid of the cobweb.
Il-bajtar tax-xewk ma jaghmilx hawh.
Prickly pear trees dont produce peaches.
Ahjar issuq erba zwiemel minn hmar.
Its better to drive four horses than a donkey.
Bil-flus taghmel triq il-bahar.
With money you can make a road in the sea.
Ghall-bejjiegh ghajn wahda u ghax-xerrej mitt
The seller has one eye, the buyer, one hundred.
L-iblah jaghmilhielek.
Its the fool wholl get you in trouble.
Li kien kien, li kieku kieku.
What was is no more, what if is just if.
Malti tajjeb aharqu; ahseb u ara hazin.
Burn a good maltese; let alone a bad one.
Ahjar weggha minn demgha.
Better an ache than a tear.
Min ma jbossx, jifsa.
He who doesnt fart, lets out silent ones.
Avukat jekk ma jehdux alla jiehdu x-xitan.
If god doesnt take a lawyer, the devil will haul
him away.
Il-ligi mhux ghas-sinjur.
The law is not made for the rich.
Kull tajra tifrah brixha.
Every bird is proud of its feathers.
Il-mara taf tghallik fis-sema u taf twaddbek
A woman can raise you to heaven and can dump
you in hell.
Meta r-ras zghira tkun fil-glorja, ir-ras il-kbira
titlef il-memorja.
When the cock is euphoric, the brain is amnesic.
Taghmilx zalza qabel taqbad il-hut.
Dont make sauce before catching fish.
Il-flus ghandhom il-gwienah.
Money has wings.
Tmiem tajjeb isewwi kollox.
All is well that ends well.
(Source lost.)
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